06 July 2015

AVID Summer Institute Tips.

As I watch the sunset from my balcony with Shark Week on in the background a storm brews in the distance. Since storms motivate me, I've decided to make a list of things to do/think about while attending an AVID Summer Institute.
  1. Make a trip to the grocery store. While some conferences are centrally located, others are a bit removed. I know that I tend to panic when I see the prices at the restaurants located in hotels. Whether my district pays a per diem or not, spending $20.00 on a sandwich is highway robbery. I always pack a few granola bars in my bag when I travel, but I cannot eat one every day for every meal. So one of the first things I always do at Summer Institute is make a trip to the fridge. (My colleague and I just used Uber for the first time to avoid a downpour. About $9.64 round trip including waiting time while we shopped.) Ideally, your hotel room is equipped with a mini fridge. Stock up for two breakfasts, three lunches, and snacks. Don't forget to pick up your free cutlery from the deli.
  2. Don't spend money on coffee. AVID sets up coffee/tea bars during break times between strand sessions. Don't be a brand snob, drink the free coffee which tastes just as good (usually better in my opinion) and save your money for souvenirs or summer concert tickets.
  3. Have dinner with your Site Team. Get to know each other outside of school. When teachers invest in each other in and out of school, students perform better. Plus, you make some good friends. For those of us that are introverts (INFJ's Unite!), this can help us release a lot of stress on our loved ones. Does your significant other or roommate get tired of teacher talk too?
  4. Stock up on hotel freebies for your guest room at home and actually do something you pinned on Pinterest. They will restock them daily. If you flew in, keep your liquid limit in mind.
  5. Bring a device. As AVID Educators, we know it is our job to teach the "Hidden Curriculum". While at the conference, you might learn something new that you want to research, like eBinders or communicate with those on your team that couldn't make it to the conference. Just make sure if you're texting about non-AVID things or need to make a phone call, step out in the hallway. Don't be those kids in the class.
  6. Use social media. Twitter is a great way to share ideas, meet great educators like yourself, and collaborate. Check out Kayla's blog post on the Top 5 Reasons for Educators to Get Social!
  7. Take notes. Cornell Notes. You're going to get a lot of information thrown at you in a short amount of time. You're going to leave inspired to change every student's life. You're going to wish that school was year round because there's too much time before school starts and you don't want your energy to dwindle. You will need to take all that you've learned and share it with your colleagues...two months later. So if you don't take notes, you will forget some of it. I don't need to lecture you about retention rates right now, right? Yes, we know, teachers are the worst students, but you're an AVID Educator. You model what you want your students to do, right? (Remember that money you saved by going to the grocery store? Go buy some colored pens.)
  8. Ask questions. If you don't ask them, you'll still have them. Ask AVID Staff Developers, ask your District Director at your Site Team session, ask #AVIDSI16. Just ask. It's in the best interest of students and you won't be left wondering. We are all in this together. We are the AVID Family.
  9. To quote Derek Steele (Shout out to FCPS!), "Resist the temptation to be overwhelmed." You're leaving the AVID Summer Institute inspired, but you can't magically transform a kid or your school overnight. It takes planning and it takes a team. If you work on developing a strong Site Team, you will see results within your students (not just AVID students) and the culture within your community.
  10. Get some sleep. Yes, we all want to have a good time hanging out with our adult AVID Family, but remember your mental health. You're going to need your rest. You're going to change someone's life (hopefully hundreds). So once your day has ended at the conference, grab some dinner with your Site Team, do your AVID homework (yes, that's a thing) and head to bed. 
That reminds me...back to Shark Week. Hold on a minute. I grew up on the Outer Banks and I'm heading there in a week. Do I even need to bother with Shark Week this summer? I'm living it.

Shout out to Kaitlin Manchester for encouraging me to write this. She's tremendous and I'm glad she's on my team.

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